The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110508   Message #2320007
Posted By: GUEST,Fantasma
19-Apr-08 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Worst Debate in History?
Subject: RE: BS: The Worst Debate in History?
Brush it off, Azizi.

Obama is also king of pop culture hype, as he proved with HIS response to the debate.

Aikido my ass.

Again I'll say it. I watched a debate on a fucking MSM channel. And I'm supposed to be shocked and outraged when they go after the front runner on character issues for the first time in 21 debates? Oh yeah--the candidate who keeps making his character a central issue in his campaign through his presidential autobiographies?

You should be kicking up your heels that the MSM is now feeling confident enough to declare (even if it is a de facto declaration) of your boy as the front runner.

The front runner, Azizi. There isn't a race card to play anymore. He won the game. He beat the racist system. He won. Or I should see, will be the presumptive nominee after this Tues, if the polls prove accurate this time.