The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110430   Message #2320853
Posted By: meself
20-Apr-08 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is it safe to drive...
Subject: RE: BS: Is it safe to drive...
"They are not applying it to these because they believe it contravenes the above rules."

Do you know this is the reason, or are you assuming it is? Is it possible for instance, that they welcome the money of burka-clad women, and do not suspect them of shoplifting, petty vandalism, and generally being a pain in the ass?

"As I pointed out, it does not."

I would think they might be having concerns about the implications of "unless it is on the grounds of religious, racial or sexual discrimination". Otherwise, isn't the problem then that management of the establishments in question are not cognizant of the law regarding their establishments?

"Please see this report and then ask why shop managers may or may not wish to ban the burka."

Yes, I'm aware of that report - but the question remains, DO shop managers wish to ban the burka?

"The 'hoody' or hooded top is worn as part of a sub-culture and due to presure from peers. How is this different to the wearing of a burka?"

I have no particular opinion concerning hoodies or the people that wear them. Perhaps they should be allowed to wear them wherever and whenever they like. There is a long history of a somewhat antagonistic relationship between honest shopkeepers and idle teenage boys, and the respect that should accorded the "rights" of each party has been a prickly issue as long as I can remember. However, my point was simply that there may be any number of reasons that women wear burkas, not that their reasons were any better or any worse than the reasons some people wearing hoodies.

I'm still wondering: is there any hue and cry from shopkeepers for authority to refuse entry to the burka-clad? If not, then I don't understand the issue ...