The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110584   Message #2321353
Posted By: Mr Happy
21-Apr-08 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: Folkies: Two Kinds?
Subject: Folkies: Two Kinds?
In response to the several 쳌ebickering쳌f threads, including the 쳌eWill Fests Survive쳌f one, it can be deduced that there쳌fs actually two main types of folkie, comprising:

Active participants; singers, musicians, dancers, story tellers, poets, mummers etc

Passive audients who pay their money for others to entertain them.

Of course, amongst both groups, there may be some crossover, but in the main, this is my impression of the folkie population of Britain.

I include myself in the active group & have little interest in concerts, folk clubs & so on, preferring the session/sinaround settings both locally and at festivals.
