The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110425   Message #2322294
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Apr-08 - 03:59 AM
Thread Name: Source Singers
Subject: RE: Source Singers
"The important thing is to keep singing."
Dear Cap'n,
Why do you insist in forcing your own priorities onto others.
I wouldn't attempt to start making a list of people who don't sing, can't sing, don't wish to sing, find singing a chore, can't afford the time to practice singing and will never make singers while they have holes in their arses, yet without whose contribution, we wouldn't have any songs to sing or to listen to.
Suggesting that the only activity important to the future of folksong is singing is somewhat arrogant, bullying and tunnel visionsed.
Why not do your own thing and allow the rest of us to get on with ours.
When push comes to shove, all you are entitled to state is what is important TO YOU!
All the very best wishes in your endevours,
Jim Carroll