The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67908   Message #2323366
Posted By: GUEST
23-Apr-08 - 03:53 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Jenny Jenkins
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Jenny Jenkins
The chorus to Jenny Jenkins is not entirely nonsense. It also contains some good advice which would have been wise a hundred years ago but is now very pertinent to today's environmental concerns.

Seek a double use, or cause, or role

Viz. Make everything you have, or do, serve more than one purpose or have more than one reason. That way you get the best value out of everything and keep waste to a minimum.

The words get "folk processed" and slowly they get corrupted until they are unrecognisable. The examples I generally use to illustrate this are Hey Nonny Nonny No which is an anglicisation of the french "et non, et non et non" basically a chorus of no , no, no. Or another example, Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum. The Yo Ho Ho bit is not laughter or some strange pirate's cry, it is spanish language for "I have gold" anglicised into an unrecognisable form. A pirate would much more likely sing "I have gold and a bottle of rum".

just my toussaints