The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110652   Message #2323414
Posted By: the lemonade lady
23-Apr-08 - 05:26 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: You Believed In Me (K Bonoff, W Waldman)
Subject: music: Who's song is this?
i remember waking on a summer night,
and i heard you asking if i was alright,
i didn't know,
i just couldn't see.

I dreamed about a mountain that I had to climb
i didn't know the reason but i just had to try
even tho, oh it seemed so steep

there were many times that i was sure that I was wrong....etc

Woman singer, with a guy harmonising. I recorded it into my phone from someone's elses pc, I think we were watching a youtube of this artist. It may have been Bonnie Raitt.

