The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79456   Message #2324024
Posted By: the lemonade lady
24-Apr-08 - 05:39 AM
Thread Name: St Georges Day What are you doing?
Subject: RE: St Georges Day What are you doing?
I had a brilliant night last night. Went to a local pub, advantage of that one is it's along 1 track roads all the way there over hill and down dale; not wearing a seat belt and drinking one and a half pints of Hobsons Town Crier! Anyway it was St. G's day celebrations and the local Orleton mummers and Leominster morris and Jenny Pipes ladies morris were out in force. Next came a great session with wonderful music and singing. Very rare for this part of the world, the pub was heaving. Just goest to show what can be done with some traditional entertainment . Someone in the crowd recognised me from an open mic i did last wk and was very complimentary, which made me feel a million dollars. I was asked to sing over and over! My friend, Liverpool Ken [a poet, Les Barker style] demanded i sing Polly on the Shore. I haven't sung it as a solo before so that was fun! Ah it was all just great.
