The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110662   Message #2324980
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Apr-08 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Theology question
Subject: RE: BS: Theology question
Hey, it takes hubris for any religion to insist that it's the best one and that all the others are either wrong or inferior in some way, but they almost all either do that...or they strongly imply it.

One exception is the Bahais, who are inclusive of all the major religions in their thinking, although I'd have to say that they concentrate most on Baha-Ullah...given that they think he was the most recent in a long series of Christ figures (which includes Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Abraham, etc...) They believe that there is progressive revelation and that every great religion has been founded by a genuine incarnation of "the Christ", sent to speak to people in terms they can understand in his (or her) time period.

Kent - What I meant about the Jews thinking they are the "good guys" is that they think their religion is the "right" one and the other religions aren't. I didn't mean they think they are morally superior to other people in some way, they just think their religion is superior to the others, that's all. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

I cannot accept the notion of one religion being inherently superior to another, because I think they are all well-suited to certain people, and those people are different from other people. Thus they are suited to a different religion. That's okay. If there is a God, I suspect he/she would be totally non-denominational. I would be utterly astounded by the existence of a God who favored any one religion over another...that would mean that God was as narrow-minded as most people are! ;-) A hopeless situation, if ever I've heard of one.