The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1867   Message #2325193
Posted By: GUEST,Tom Bliss
25-Apr-08 - 07:41 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Skye Boat Song
Subject: RE: The Skye Boat Song
Now that IS interesting, Masato - thanks! I've never seen that version before...

So can anyone confirm these dates:

1746 - Charles Stewart rows/is rowed to Skye (from Uist, not the mainland?)

Pre 1790 - First known lyrics 'Cuachag nan Craobh' by William Ross - nothing to do with BPC?

(Date of tune unknown, probably pre-existing, and possibly originally a waulkin', or used for, as many probably were)?

1879 - Tune collected in Skye and noted down by Annie McLeod (Later Lady Wilson).

1884 - First new lyrics (fairly Jackobite) by Boulton, with second part of tune added by McLeod (who's credited with the whole tune)

1893 - Second new lyrics (VERY Jacobite) by Margaret Bean

1908 Third new lyrics (non-Jacobite) by Robert Louis Stevenson.

Is that right?