The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110682 Message #2325199
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
25-Apr-08 - 07:47 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: May day Rhymes or songs
Subject: RE: Folklore: May day Rhymes or songs
Facetious? Moi? Heaven forbid, though a case might be made for The Wicker Man as dealing with the evils of any form of totalitarianism where any sort of individuality is ruthlessly persecuted in the name of whatever sort of ideology. The bogus paganism (is there any other sort?) thrown in by way of a tidy Volkish cultural contrivance better to subdue the masses, hence the sheer absurdity of the music! Ironic that people take it seriously these days...
Good film though; the only British Horror Musical indeed, and the only British film to pay any sort of attention at all to British folk song, even British folk song as entirely (and rather magnificently) reinvented by an American!