The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21758   Message #232587
23-May-00 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: I'm not worthy...or Am I?
Subject: RE: I'm not worthy...or Am I?
I think you are talking about my comment regarding my newly acquired skills in lampworking. I'll explain. While the rest of the class dutifully turned their mandrels round and round and came up with in some cases wonderful, simple beads, I jumped in with both feet and announced that my first project would be a Corinthian Head Bead. I brought photos of ancient samples. If you haven'seen these - they are a man's head with huge round eyes, heavy brows,broad nose and lips and a head and beardful of ringlets. Now picture trying to get the nose not to melt off while applying ringlets of molten glass. My finished bead was astonishing to my teacher and class as well as myself. However, being a novice, I did not have the control over the temperature of the various parts and colors to assure a stable piece. Glass wants to shatter. And my cracked pieces, though quite beautiful, are not saleable. I designate them "Girl Scout projects gone bad." But I am very proud of the work I did and the envious glances from the round bead makers who unkindly rolled their eyes originally at my ancient pictures. In a year I will be happy to offer one of my treasures for auction here. It was not false modesty but an honest appraisal.

"Moon" on the other hand has perfected her craft and has generously offered her figures for sale. She is very sure of their value and her talent.

MMario, I have worked in sales my whole life and will match my organizational, teaching, and selling skills against anyone in any product line. I can handle a room full of executives in corporate presentations or get any information I need from a prospect or a competitor without them even guessing at what their telling me. I am honest, up front, never cheat, never lie. And my customers appreciate and respect me. I am very good at what I do. When I am not good at something, I accept it and work to improve or move on. I will never sing professionally but I will sing. I will never play professionally but I will play for you on Hearme. Modest offerings. Not a particularly modest person. If I don't appreciate me, why should anyone else?

This is very different from "stagefright". Recently, I was asked to read some scripture at a wedding ceremony. My throat went dry, my mind went blank, and barely waded through the passage. I had to remind people that I was a college graduate after the fiasco. I am much better with CEOs than priests.