The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110727   Message #2326038
Posted By: Acorn4
26-Apr-08 - 04:52 AM
Thread Name: Home Recording - is this quality OK?
Subject: RE: Home Recording - is this quality OK?
I thought it was a very good sound and like the arrangement. The only problem I've found with home recording that I haven't been able to solve is that you don't quite get the volume that you do with a commercially produced CD - this isn't however the be all and end all as you can just switch up a notch.

A lot of people do their own recording at home then get the final mastering done in a studio.

Keep up the good work -you're on the right lines there - most people don't really listen to the finer points of balance as long as the overall effect is OK. As one artist recently commented you can end up spending a load of time trying to fix things that no one but you is going to notice!