The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89754   Message #2326098
Posted By: WalkaboutsVerse
26-Apr-08 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: Walkaboutsverse
Subject: RE: Walkaboutsverse
I nearly always put an example of my poems (some delete them, most leave them, occasionally someone HAS asked for more - go through the Comments on myspace, if you don't believe it - and one or two have said I'm deleting you) AND quite often I DO comment in () on the artist, as well.
Now how about you being honest - MANY on myspace do nothing more than say "Thanks for the ad.", yes. Spend ten minutes surfing myspace and you will see that several times.
I've taken a minute, and I think the way I use myspace is acceptable, frankly, as usual, Rich.