The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110504   Message #2326907
Posted By: Ed T
27-Apr-08 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
Subject: RE: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
"Must they also lead to a breakdown of systems that had been working well"

Maybe there is a variety of views and perspectives on this statement?

Where I live there have been three RC churches closed, and some others merged due to declining numbers attending church and fewer paying the bills. Some other demominations similar issues, but not as broad.

But, there are volunteer groups springing up to do the similar good works like feeding the poor etc. (other churches, charities and community groups).

Like with most court proceedings, lawyers always
get their hefty share.

Maybe if the RC church and parishes had not put these folks through the full legal hoops in the beginning, and set up independant avenues to reasonably address their concerns, more compensation could have gone directly to the folks violated on their watch? I suspect the lack of compassion pushed some to bitterness and maximized the amounts requested when lawyers got involved.

Pay me now, or pay me more later seems to ring a bell in this case?

Whether a RC parish was involved directly or not, the way these matters evolove is all parishes and members of the church (save the Vatican, that is) bear the cost... financial and non-financial.

Just my take on this aspect, from looking back on the happenings.