The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110504   Message #2327144
Posted By: Joe Offer
27-Apr-08 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
Subject: RE: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
I subscribe to two Catholic publications, The National Catholic Reporter (NCR), which is very left-of-center; and America, a Jesuit publication which I consider moderate but very honest. NCR has been very critical of the actions of the bishops, almost to the point of muckraking - but it hasn't come up with any real answer about the reason for the problem. America has had more balanced coverage and did devote an entire issue to the problem - but again, no answers. I can accept that child molestation is a problem that we don't understand and don't exactly know how to treat or respond to; but what about the apparent coverups and moving sex offender priests to new parishes instead of firing and prosecuting them?
I suspect a few bishops of malfeasance, but I think most of them are basically pretty decent people even if they are conservative. So, why did all this happen? I'm surprised that these two publications haven't come up with an answer - or at least an attempt at an answer. I really don't suspect either of these publications or any collusion with a coverup - after all, both of them have had their troubles with Rome and the bishops.
