The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110772   Message #2327732
Posted By: Emma B
28-Apr-08 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama in Wilmington
Subject: RE: BS: Obama in Wilmington
A regular contributor to the Daily Kos an American political blog, publishing news and opinion from a liberal or progressive point of view. It functions as a discussion forum and group blog for a variety of netroots activists, whose efforts are primarily directed toward influencing and strengthening the Democratic Party has withdrawn from contributing....

'Writers need a safe place to reach out and exchange ideas, to communicate and challenge one another. DailyKos should be that place, but its tone, its essence has evolved into something ugly and destructive. Good writers can't survive in that kind of atmosphere. Democrats shouldn't have to put up with that from fellow Democrats.

Sadly, the majority of the administrators have allowed this hostile environment to develop in our online community for anyone who isn't planted firmly in the Obama camp. They've routinely ignored personal attacks and allowed disruptive, spam-like posts to go unchecked whenever anyone expresses support for Hillary or challenges something their candidate has said or done. There are however several front-pagers who have managed to avoid taking part in the attacks on Hillary and for that I'm grateful. But the site has grown to the point where they simply can't – or won't monitor it.

As a result, our community has become little more than an echo chamber with an attitude that harkens back to the early days of Dubbya's administration - yer either with us or yer a'gin us, heh! The attackers and disrupters are no better than Chris Matthews with their sexism, hate, lies, and obsession with bashing - all – things – Hillary.'

open letter

As I have written elsewhere, as a Brit, I would wholeheartedly welcome a US democratic president of any race, creed or gender but, it appears that every thread purporting to support Obama, is often little more than another attack on the rival candidate.

Some of the remarks/language here are not the stuff of informed, reasoned 'adult' debate.