The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110756   Message #2327912
Posted By: Alice
28-Apr-08 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Books banned - help library- donate books
Subject: RE: BS: Rebuild library, please donate books
Rapaire and anyone wanting contact phone numbers, please send me a PM and I'll provide them.

Subject: Need Books for Proposed Colorado City Library The proposed Library Building & Site!

Since Warren Jeffs banned books from the world outside, the meeting on April 24th was some what historical.
A Friends of the Library was established with a board of directors elected. Next Monday night a group will
petition the Mohave County board of Suoervisors to consider funding a Satellite rural Branch County Library.

A building has been selected, which sits on the UEP's former FLDS church trust lands. It is seen in the video attached and any of these pictures can be sent upon request to a news agency or
for identifying a donation interest use. A library in Colorado City, that has books uncensored, is nothing
less than historical. Books used to have areas blacked out with markers, along with paragraphs cut out,
if they countered FLDS Polygamist church doctrine.

This is a chance for those emerging out of Warren Jeffs' shadow, to leave the 19th century behind, in favor
of the 21st century where KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Without outside education, the children of Colorado
City are doomed and lost in our fast paced world. They need books donated and lots of them! Preferably NEW
books, hardbacks that are current knowledge of ALL subjects. They need shelves, lots of them, sturdy enough
to hold heavy books! Donations to remodel the large log cabin structure once an FLDS private school would
also be appreciated! They need to apply for a non profit status, but it's only been a few days, so donations
of cash are not yet tax deductible.

The V-P of FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY is Stefanie Colgrove at xxx-xxx-xxxx
The Public Relations Director for the Mohave County Library System is Kathy McGehee at xxx-xxx-xxxx
I am Jay Beswick an activist and former FOR KIDS SAKE Child Abuse Prevention Rep. for AZ & UT 1996-2001
with Hildale UT & Colorado City AZ in my area, along with living only 22 miles from this community, I can
be reached, at xxx-xxx-xxxx

Pictures available

Thank You
Jay Beswick