The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103546   Message #2328389
Posted By: Jeanie
29-Apr-08 - 04:46 AM
Thread Name: Your earliest childhood musical moment?
Subject: RE: Your earliest childhood musical moment?
I remember, as a baby & toddler, being carried up to bed every night as the signature tune of "The Archers" played on the radio, with my parents singing "Yum-tee-yum-tee-yum-tee-yum". Then, once upstairs, I would stand on the bed, hold their hands, and bounce up and down while one or other or both of them sang "The Galloping Major" - ("Hey,hey, clear the way..") I suppose the idea was that it would tire me out - and I certainly never complained about bedtimes !

Other very early memories: in my pram for a morning sleep, listening to Edmundo Ross on the radio. Being in an isolation room in hospital aged 2, with the ward cleaner singing "Mountain Greenery" to me.

From aged 2 on, tons of memories. It's amazing and wonderful how a snatch of a song or a tune can take you back.

- jeanie