The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110755   Message #2328526
Posted By: Donuel
29-Apr-08 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reno Earthquake - Big One warning
Subject: RE: BS: Reno Earthquake - Big One warning
Not that I have a verified explanation,
scaler weapons can produce similar effects that have appeared in NV as well as Washington State area.

The biggest challenge to ground based scaler weapons is the 'bank shot' aiming of these weapons off the Ionosphere and back down to earth. IF and I emphasize IF these are scaler energies, they narrowly (200 miles) missed the fault lines in Washington and NV.

Lots of nudges with high energy may move a huge mass, especailly when that mass is a fault line that wants to move bu is licked up at points.

Please do not believe there is a conspiracy at work here but for fun you could google...
"earthquake machines"
that have been proposed while no one is admitting to their use. WHether they work or not, you may bet on the probablity that defense budget money has gone into this kind of research.