The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #791   Message #2329
Posted By: Bill D
17-Feb-97 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Inverey / The Baron o' Brackley
Subject: RE: Words for
I am embarrassed..I have had this Jean Redpath record for 30 years with 'Inverey' on it, and have tried occasionally to translate the dialect....yesterday I had NO copies of the words, now I have 3! (so, ARE going to refrain from rubbing it in this weekend, aren't you?? You have SO many boxes to be moved!! *smile*)

I know, I could have searched on 'Inverey' and found it! I'm still getting used to having this resource available. (I even have the DOS version on my hard disk, but I have to re-learn the DOS commands every time I use it...but it WILL play the tunes to a lot of the songs. Folkies owe a HUGE debt to Dick G. and Susan and Dennis & several others for this! Thanks, guys!!