The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110508   Message #2329351
Posted By: Riginslinger
29-Apr-08 - 10:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Worst Debate in History?
Subject: RE: BS: The Worst Debate in History?
Let's see, Ron. I have a lot of respect for John Conyers. Remember when they were talking about putting Ronald Reagan's picture on the $10.00 bill, and he stood up in Congress and announced that they ought to put the phoney son-of-a-bitch's (my words, not his) picture on the three-dollar-bill where he belongs.
                That was pretty much the end of that discussion.
                And I like Charlie Rangle. He keeps bringing up the point that we need to re-activate the draft so that it isn't only poor people's kids who end up getting shot in Iraq.
                And I like Maxine Waters and Sheil Jackson Lee, who both see that the best chance to regain the White House is to get behind Hillary.
                Brown skinned politicians are harder, because they are politicians, after all, and for the most part are trying to capitalize on the issue of illegal immigrants, in a political sense, right now. There were some very good ones in the past, but I think Hispanic politicos have to get aboard the La Vos de Aztlan bandwagon in order to get elected at this point in time.