The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110508   Message #2329375
Posted By: Ron Davies
29-Apr-08 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Worst Debate in History?
Subject: RE: BS: The Worst Debate in History?

Glad to hear you like Charlie Rangel. And Maxine Waters--deluded though she is. If you'd said that earlier, it would have prevented sizable misunderstandings.

But as for your verdict on Hispanic politicians--your ignorance is showing again. Is the mayor of L..A. not Hispanic? Yet I don't believe I've heard him endorse the idea of giving parts of the US back to Mexico. Nor has Bill Richardson. Etc.

It may be in your nightmares--but eventually you'll have to learn to distinguish between them and real life. It will also help your mental stability.