The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110508   Message #2331165
Posted By: Riginslinger
01-May-08 - 10:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Worst Debate in History?
Subject: RE: BS: The Worst Debate in History?
Ron - My understanding of what The Nation of Aztlan intends is to establish the mexican borders to what they were before the Mexican/American war in the late 1840's.
                           That's why the Absolute Vodka company published the ad they ran a week or so back. They wanted to sell Vodka to Mexican/Americans. They didn't anticipate the huge backlash it generated from European/Americans, who knew very well that that is what The Nation of Aztlan is all about. And the backlash is why Absolute hastily withdrew the ad.
                           However, I think it would be a mistake to assume that they (The Nation of Aztlan) simply want to take the territory back and re-annex it to Mexico. I don't think they are terribly happy with the Mexican government either. They seem to have a Marxist air about them, though that concept is European in origin, so I don't think they would admit it.
                           They are very anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian. They see themselves, in a sense, as the displaced people of North America, and seem to identify with the Palestinian people.
                           A quick vistit to their web-site "La Voz de Aztlan" would quickly inform you of their long range objectives.