The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103546   Message #2331243
Posted By: Banjiman
02-May-08 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: Your earliest childhood musical moment?
Subject: RE: Your earliest childhood musical moment?
2 stand out.....

1/ In the late sixties in the back of a Morris 1000 Traveler going over to Applecross on the west coast of Scotland(I was about 4) singing "3 score and 10" with my sister and Mum and changing the "battle with the swell" line to "battle with the smell". My Dad pulled over and threatened to make us walk up the hill if we couldn't sing it properly....he was such a purist!

2/ My Dad playing assorted dance tunes on his big old accordion (family legend is that it once belonged to Jimmy Shand, must check that out) with our scruffy mongrel howling along. I thought accordions came with the dog howling sound effect until I was about 16 (....and maybe I was right!).
