The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #400   Message #2332102
Posted By: Joe Offer
03-May-08 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: Req/ADD: French folk songs
Subject: ADD: Magali
Another from Monique:

Les métamorphoses ="Si tu te mets anguille" or "Si tu te fais la rose" and such: it seems that the song originates in Brittany from where it spread all over France and it crossed the Atlantic to Canada ("Par derrière chez ma tante...")
According to this site Provençal poet Frédéric Mistral took his inspiration from the song "Belo Margarideto" (Fr. "O belle Marguerite) to write the song "Magali" in the 3rd chant of "Mireio". The tune is a popular one. The French translation you'll find on this site is Mistral's own literal translation.
The spelling is what we call "Mistral (or Roumanille) spelling" (spelling based on the French spelling), only used by some authors from Provence nowadays. All the other Occitan authors now use the "classic (or Alibert's) spelling" based on the troubadours' one.
A short singable version can be found there as well as other French traditional (popular) songs.
As you will easily guess, my English translation is quite literal!


O Magali ma tant amado
Mete la tèsto au fenestroun !
Escouto un pau aquesto aubado
De tambourin e de vióuloun.

- Es plen d'estello, aperamount !
L'auro es toumbado,
Mai lis estello paliran,
Quand te veiran !

- Pas mai que dóu murmur di broundo,
De toun aubado iéu fau cas !
Mai iéu m'en vau dins la mar bloundo
Me faire anguielo de roucas.

- O Magali ! se tu te fas
Lou pèis de l'oundo,
Iéu, lou pescaire me farai,
Te pescarai!

- Oh ! mai, se tu te fas pescaire,
Ti vertoulet quand jitaras,
Iéu me farai l'aucèu voulaire,
M'envoularai dins li campas.

- O Magali, se tu te fas
L'aucèu de l'aire,
Iéu lou cassaire me farai,
Te cassarai.

- I perdigau, i bouscarido
Se vènes, tu, cala ti las,
Iéu me farai l'erbo flourido
E m'escoundrai dins li pradas

- O Magali, se tu te fas
La margarido,
Iéu l'aigo lindo me farai

- Se tu te fas l'eigueto lindo
Iéu me farai lou nivoulas
E lèu m'enanarai ansindo
A l'Americo, perabas !

- O Magali, se tu t'envas
Alin in Indo,
L'auro de mar iéu me farai,
Te pourtarai!

- Se tu te fas la marinado,
Iéu fugirai d'un autre las :
Iéu me farai l'escandihado
Dóu grand soulèu que found lou glas !

- O Magali, se tu te fas
La souleiado,
Lou verd limbert iéu me farai,
E te béurai !

- Se tu te rèndes l'alabreno
Que se rescound dins lou bartas,
Iéu me rendrai la luno pleno
Que dins la niue fai lume i masc !

- O Magali, se tu te fas
Luno sereno,
Iéu bello nèblo me farai,

- Mai se la nèblo m'enmantello
Tu, pèr acò, noun me tendras ;
Iéu, bello roso vierginello,
M'espandirai dins l'espinas!

- O Magali, se tu te fas
La roso bello,
Lou parpaioun iéu me farai,
Te beisarai.

- Vai, calignaire, courre, courre !
Jamai, jamai m'agantaras.
Iéu, de la rusco d'un grand roure
Me vestirai dins lou bouscas.

- O Magali, se tu te fas
L'aubre di mourre,
Iéu lou clot d'èurre me farai
T'embrassarai !

- Se me vos prene à la brasseto,
Rèn qu'un vièi chaine arraparas...
Iéu me farai blanco moungeto
Dóu mounastié dóu grans Sant Blas !

- O Magali, se tu te fas
Mounjo blanqueto,
Iéu, capelan, counfessarai,
E t'ausirai !

- Se dóu couvènt passes li porto,
Tóuti li mounjo trouvaras
Qu'à moun entour saran pèr orto,
Car en susàri me veiras !

- O Magali, se tu te fas
La pauro morto,
Adounc la terro me farai
Aqui t'aurai !

- Aro coumence enfin de crèire
Que noun me parles en risènt :
Vaqui moun aneloun de vèire
Pèr souvenènço, o bèu jouvènt !

- O Magali me fas de bèn ! ...
Mai, tre te veire,
Ve lis estello, o Magali,
Coume an pali !

O Magali my beloved (my so much loved)
Show your head at the window!
Listen to this dawn serenade
Of tambourines and violins!

It's full of stars up there
The wind has fallen
But the stars will turn pale
When they see you!

No more than of the whisper of the foliage
I won't care of your dawn serenade!
But I'm going in the fair sea
To become an eel in the rocks.

O Magali ! if you become
A fish in the sea
I will become a fisher
I will fish you!

Oh, but if you become a fisher
When you throw your creel
I'll become a flying bird
I will fly in the fields!

O Magali, if you become
A bird in the air
I will become a hunter
I will hunt you!

To the partridges, to the warblers,
If you come to set your traps
I will become the blooming grass
And I will hide in the wide meadows!

O Magali, if you become
A daisy
I will become nice water
I will water you!

If you become the nice water
I will become a big cloud
And thus I'll soon go
To America, far away!

O Magali, if you leave
To the far India
I will become the sea wind
I will carry you!

If you become the sea wind
I'll run away to another side
I will become the radiance
Of the big sun that melts the ice !

O Magali if you become
The sunshine
I will become a green lizard
And I'll drink you!

If you become a lizard
That hides in the bush
I will become the full moon
That, in the night, brings light to the witches!

O Magali, if you become
The quiet moon
I will become a nice mist
I will hide you!

Even if the mist wraps me up
You won't hold me thus
As a virgin beautiful rose
I will blossom in the thorn bush!

O Magali if you become
A beautiful rose
I will become a butterfly
I will kiss you!

Go, lover, run, run
You will never, never catch me
I will, with the bark of a big oak tree,
Dress myself in the wood!

O Magali, if you become
A tree on the hills
I will become an ivy plant
I'll embrace you!

If you take me in your arms
You'll only hold an old oak tree
I will be come a white nun
Of the great St Belasius monastery!

O Magali, if you become
A white nun
I, as a priest, will confess you
I will hear you!

If you go through the convent doors
You'll find all the nuns
Who will be around me in the garden
For you'll see me in my shroud!

O Magali, if you become
A poor dead
Then, I will become the earth
There, I'll have you!

Now I begin to believe
That you speak seriously
Here's my glass ring
As a souvenir, o nice young man!

O Magali, you do me good
But, as soon as they saw you
Look at the stars, o Magali,
How they turned pale!

Click to play