The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110662   Message #2332351
Posted By: Slag
03-May-08 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Theology question
Subject: RE: BS: Theology question
Why would the tendency be from the direction of unawareness toward awareness? This assumes "In the Beginning, Chaos..." which is to say that some THING of unknown dimension, quality, quantity, pre-existed any awareness and is therefore ultimately unknowable and also pre-differentiated! You can substitute any scientific model of this day in here to fulfill the criteria! This is the same as saying that a plurality pre-existed. And too, this is the very question physics and cosmology is addressing today. If the Cosmic egg was a perfect unity, i.e. a stable entity why did it explode into the universe we see today? Where did the instability, the duality, if you will, come from?