The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110900   Message #2333642
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
05-May-08 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: Chords in Folk?
Subject: RE: Chords in Folk?
I am sure Jack will have some interesting things to say about the way you tune your harp, Seldayne, and I will defer the issues scale construction to him--I am curious to know why you decided to tune your harp in that manner--

I tune the harp this way because this is the way to tune a medieval harp! I've heard this described as the Cycle of Fifths, but this could be something different. Here's how it works in practice...

The Ionian tonic is tuned to pitch from a secondary source; for the sake of convenience let's call this note C. Once you've got all your Cs in tune, the next string you tune is the fifth above the tonic, which gives you G. Then you tune the fifth above the G, which gives you D. Next, you tune an 8ve below the D for your second note in lower sale, then you tune a fifth above which gives you A, and then a fifth above A which gives you E. Then you tune an 8ve below that E to give you your lower E. And so on and so forth until you've created an Ionian / Major scale from pure fifths.

My harp is one Tim Hobrough's small English Harps (circa 1982), 19 gut strings.