The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109486   Message #2334048
Posted By: Frug
06-May-08 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
Subject: RE: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
Guest Tyrone there has been a very good airing of both sides of the argument here, if you accept Brendan as some kind of rapporteur for Comhaltas. Notwithstanding this there appear to be a lot of unanswered questions which need addressing not least of all is why Comhaltas did not act sooner in the piece if things were going so badly wrong. Don't forget according to Brendans posts Comhaltas did have somebody involved with planning etc and surely they were in a position to report back on progress or problems. I'm not sure whether I subscribe to any conspiracy theory, but the initial lack of action by Comhaltas followed by their precipitate action in dissolving the branch does beg questions as to motive. There is inevitably a convoluted politic involved with community based initiatives and Government funds, made more difficult when you have some form of umbrella organisation. I know from experience of working within such a system myself the perils and pitfalls over definitions of responsibility and accountability and ability to act. Seems to me that the whole Comhaltas model needs a review to establish clearer pathways etc. Won't help the current crisis too much but may avert similar in the future. I feel only resolution to the Clontarf situation is an independent review of what happened, not necessarily to apportion blame but to identify way forward with key partners..........that includes both previous clontarf members and Comhaltas.
