The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110900   Message #2334277
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
06-May-08 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: Chords in Folk?
Subject: RE: Chords in Folk?
Seldayne--More specifically, I wondered if you were using the harp in a Harry Partch way--

Whilst Partch is a crucial influence on my approach to both singing & storytelling, I'm not intoning in microtones, rather canting with an awareness of what Partch called corporeality relative to a diatonic modal accompaniment built up of 4th, 5ths, 3rds and 8ve unisons. I'm also big on improvisation, which doesn't feature
in Partch's music at all.

There's some choice Partch on YouTube right now - not least The Delusion of the Fury in its entirety (!) and a wonderful clip of HP free-styling in the kitchen (!!).

WAV - before you cause actual nervous breakdowns, I suggest you seek some off-line advice for some much-needed clarification regarding musical harmony. Try your local music teacher, or perhaps have a word with P & K as to how harmony works in shape-note singing.