The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4319   Message #23343
Posted By: Bruce O.
08-Mar-98 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: Origins: One Morning in May
Subject: RE: Lyr ADD: One morning in May
This isn't really the same song, but it's awfully similar to "Green Bushes" (rather than green gardens), in for example, Kidson's 'Traditional Tunes', p. 47. The 1st verse of the two must stem from the same original. Kidson refers to a tune "Green Bushes" in Petrie's 'The Music of Ireland', 1882. (Petrie died in 1866, What's this, I've never heard of any 1882 edition of Irish tunes connected to Petrie. F. Hoffman's selection from Petrie's MSS, 1877? I never found a copy.) Kidson also refers to text and tune (Green Bushes) in (Baring Gould's) 'Songs of the West'.

Thanks for the song, Martin. I've still got a couple places to look, so I might be back later.