The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37437   Message #2334390
Posted By: GUEST,David Lewis
06-May-08 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Y Mochyn Du / Old Black Pig (Welsh)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Y Mochyn Du / Old Black Pig (Welsh)
I've only just found this fascinating discussion ... I believe the song was written by my great-grand father, John Owen, and I've been trying to piece together the story over the past few years. I have recorded my modern folk version of the song, with a new tune and my own arrangement of the words - in English - recently. It can be heard at and I believe it has been on BBC Radio Wales Celtic Heartbeat programme a few times in the past year. Perhaps it is not a version for the purists - but I had a lot of fun doing it!!