The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109486   Message #2334735
Posted By: GUEST,Guest North Dublin
07-May-08 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
Subject: RE: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
I have been reading comments on this site for quite a while and I must agree with Frug but what is Guest,Dublin 2 talking about getting facts right. He says that the funding was petitioned and received by the committee that was put in charge of getting the centre going. WERE NOT ALL OF THESE PEOPLE MEMBERS OF COMHALTAS WORKING ON BEHALF OF COMHALTAS ?. He says Clontarf dosent need Comhaltas but the Clontarf Branch would never have existed without Comhaltas. A lot of the Committee and members of Clontarf Comhaltas left smaller Branches around Dublin to join Clontarf Comhaltas and good look to them because their children were very successful when the competed in verious competitions and Fleadh's down the years.
The Dublin Fleadh will be held this weekend and I am sure that the competitors who were members of Clontarf will do very well. I am also sure that they will be made very wellcome and by everyone who is interested in promoting and developing Traditional Music Song and Dance in the County. The members of the disolved Clontarf Branch deserve better leadership so get your act together and work within the organisation to get this mess sorted out. The members of Clontarf Comhaltas can then concentrate in the development this fine tradition of Music, Song and Dance in the local area.