The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46310   Message #2335137
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
07-May-08 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Saint James Infirmary Blues
Subject: RE: History of Saint James Infirmary Blues?
I don't know if anyone has been on this thread in a while...but I just heard this song for the first time the other day and I've become a bit obessesed with it.

It all started when my ex boyfriend posted an old picture of us on a website and he referenced the song in the caption of the picture. I knew that he was trying to see if I got the reference. So I googled it, downloaded it, listened to it. I first thought it was a little morbid for the situation between us and was a little confused on what he was trying to say...I think I get what he is sayin now. It's like an underlying meaning to him.

The situation is that we were working together in New Orleans when we met. We fell head over heals in CRAZY love. Haha! But I live on the east coast and he lives on the west we eventually got seperated and it was very sad. So I think he was trying to refer the sadness of the song to our situation rather than the morbidness of it. But maybe I'm crazy?!?! I don't know.

Any thoughts?
