The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110900   Message #2335335
Posted By: M.Ted
07-May-08 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: Chords in Folk?
Subject: RE: Chords in Folk?
Having honestly tried here to provide you with insights rather insults to this point, WAV, I am going to change my direction a bit, and tell you straight out that you *are* among people who are who are superior to you--as musicians, performers, composers, folklorists, collectors, researchers, et al.

I am no one of particular consequence here, but I am a both a musician and composer/arranger, and I've accompanied a variety of "source" performers, and helped ethnomusicologists, collectors, and dance ethnographers to recreate music that respected the traditions that they worked with, taught, and generally had fun with this stuff for many years. I've heard all sides, and more than occasionally got caught in between, and there are more and better than me here--

There is an opportunity to learn a lot here, if can stomach the fact that folks like Dick Miles and Jack Campin(among many others) know a lot that you don't--