The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111039   Message #2335415
Posted By: Janie
08-May-08 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Dick Rodgers, FSGW Institution (May 2008)
Subject: RE: Obit: Dick Rodgers, FSGW Institution
I too am saddened to learn of Dick's passing. Like others, I only knew him from the Getaways, where I did occasionally have the pleasure of him leading me in a lovely, smooth, waltz. He was an odd bird, even among so many of us who are odd birds. He seemed uncomfortable in his own skin, but determined to both wear it and not let the discomfort stop him from doing what he loved, and sharing what he knew. I admired his tenacity.

I know I will acutely notice his absence at the next Getaway.

Fly free, Dick. Fly free.

Thanks for letting us know Bob.
