The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110914   Message #2335793
Posted By: Teribus
08-May-08 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK local elections: here comes poverty
Subject: RE: BS: UK local elections: here comes poverty
"As for the remuneration for responsibility, I wonder why anyone is a nurse or a teacher when people get thirty times the salary for gambling with other people's money? Leaders are useful, innovators are a good thing, but they aren't superhuman, and they can't eat fifty dinners a day." - Paul Burke

Answer to your first question is that not everyone is capable of making a living "gambling with other people's money", if they tried it they would starve to death.

"Leaders are useful" - No Paul they are essential - even a rowing boat with only two people in it needs a captain.

"innovators are a good thing" - Far more than a good thing Paul because without them nothing progresses, nothing improves.

And while leaders and innovators are human they do deserve to compensated for their efforts and while they themselves cannot eat fifty dinners a day, they can most certainly create the conditions whereby a great many people can eat three square meals a day.