The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110900   Message #2335814
Posted By: The Sandman
08-May-08 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Chords in Folk?
Subject: RE: Chords in Folk?
However, we all love an underdog and I have a sneaking admiration for people who plow their own furrow in the face of overwhelming opposition, so stick with it son.
I love flat earthers too.
most singers perform better when they dont have to accompany themselves,they can concentrate on one thing.
when I do a gig,I sing a few songs unaccompanied,a few with Guitar,and some with Concertina,this provides contrast,I also consider subject material,vary keys and tempos etc,but I do use chords and harmony.
knowing when to use and when not to is important,but not to use harmony as some sort of principle is laughable.
but we all love eccentricity,so WAV how about forming a society.poets against chords and harmony in folksongs.PACAHIF.