The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110733   Message #2337164
Posted By: wysiwyg
10-May-08 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - part two
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - part two

Izzit like this for you? Whole house making me crazy, despite pockets of well-organized items that are maintaining quite well...feeling overwhelmed but not sure why.... brain spinning with can't-gotta-can't-gotta DO something about it..... not even sure what "it" is.....

Well, for me it's like tumblers in a combination lock. Not until they settle into the right combination of mini-solutions does that spinning quit. I just felt it QUIT. [big sigh]

There is ONE key area I had not thought about AT ALL even though I know all the organizing theory I could need. Suddenly the thought popped into my head-- what about a better "landing pad" for the daily return from the POOL? Near the back door, the laundry machines, wall outlets to re-charge digital gear....... and I HAVE exactly that area. All I need to do is clear it the f**k OFF!

I can DO that! Most of what is on it, now that I think of it, is actually stuff that by now has other places waiting to receive it. When I satrt, all the stuff to clear from there will cause all the other tumblers to move as Thing A goes to Place 2 where Thing B will be sitting that belongs in Place 3, etc. etc., and I will no longer be Queen of the State of Overwhelm.


See the thing is, I LIKE my life-- I like its three or four very different, major-day-occupying areas of activity. Each area has had a central place in my house. But the aquatic one.... present, but not working as well, so spreading all over everything else.

Roughly: mornings are for keeping promises the way Rick taught me to do it-- work that involves the computer and printer, correspondence..... punctuated by nutritious mini-meals that prep me for the afternoon "job." And that job is aquatic, taking all afternoon most weekdays. Evenings, hockey time with Hardi or parish activities. All this punctuated (notnotnot "interrupted") by Diocesan activities. (Where are friends, you may ask-- they're in all of those. I'm talking just the practical actions here.)

So all I have to do is reclaim that large counter across from the laundry machines that tops a pair of wide kitchen cabinets, with more cabinets above. It's adjoined on one end by the home-classroom I converted to my treadmill studio and summer small-group meeting space. On the other end, the kitchen (with well-organized hutch holding electronic aquatic gear for "garage sale") and bath I can clean up for company and still keep the main house private for Just Us.

If I whip that counter, I can have my aquatic seminars RIGHT HERE at my house, with sales available amid healthy workout snacks set out on the counter that used to hold Mudcat Gathering snacks.



PS, duh.....