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Thread #111107   Message #2337191
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-May-08 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Opposing war vs stopping & ending it
Subject: RE: BS: Opposing war vs stopping & ending it
I have felt all along that there is very little...indeed almost no chance of the Democrats ending that war. Why? Because they represent the same behind-the-scenes imperial corporate power structure that the Republicans do, and that power structure has no intention of ending its wars in the Middle East or pulling its troops out.

The power structure plays "good cop - bad cop" with the American public to soften them up and keep them confused. The "good cop" is the Democrats (they sound nicer and gentler). The "bad cop" is the Republicans (they sound tougher and more likely to come down hard on someone).

When the public is scared enough of imagined foreign or domestic "threats to America" they turn to the bad cop to protect them. When the public is sick of all the bloodshed and waste that the bad cop has caused, they turn to the good cop to get them out of the mess.

Both cops serve the same war-making masters. The intention of the masters is to keep American voters endlessly befuddled and disempowered by making them keep waffling back and forth between the good cop (Mom) and the bad cop (Dad) forever and ever or until "death do us part". ;-) And it works. Like a charm. From cradle to grave the foolishness goes on and on, and the imperial masters run the show.

It's total bullshit, and the rest of the world knows it, but Americans are trapped in their social tradition which rests upon the great phony duopoly of "good cop - bad cop", Dems and Reps.

They should kick both of those parties out forever. No one should ever vote for them again or give them one dollar out of their pockets. There should be a damned revolution against those 2 parties, but there won't be. People aren't desperate enough for that yet.

Now, here's the reality, due to all I've outlined above: Either Obama or Clinton or McCain will be the next president. The $ySStem has decreed it so by the power of its allmighty $$$$ and its corporate-controlled mass media.

Okay. So if I were there, what would I do? ;-) Heh! Well, I'd probably vote for Obama, since I have some faint hopes that he might be a good man of some independent mind, despite being part of the $ySStem, and he might improve things a little if he was elected. These are faint hopes....but a faint hope is better than no hope at all, I suppose. I have no such faint hopes regarding Hillary Clinton or John McCain. I would also not be inclined to reward the Republicans for the last 8 years of criminal behaviour by voting for them if I was an American...but I hardly expect the Democrats to be any less criminal, once in office.

I see no hope in voting for Nader or some other such independent candidate at this point. It would be like throwing an egg at an oncoming battleship. Still, if anyone wants to throw their egg at the approaching battleship of state in that fashion, I won't criticize them for it.

I don't expect much from the government, frankly. Not yours. Not mine. I know who they really serve, and it's not you or me or the general public. It never was.