The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110914   Message #2338004
Posted By: akenaton
11-May-08 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK local elections: here comes poverty
Subject: RE: BS: UK local elections: here comes poverty
But will the supply to this demand be sustainable?
In "developed" countries such as the UK most of what we want, we do not need. We are simply led to believe that we need the huge quantities of junk and junk services provided by the system.

This state of affairs was bad enough when we actually produced things and were relatively solvent.
Now we have reached the point when we have been presented with billions of "monopoly money" from the banks. Money which enables us to keep buying the junk, and which we have no hope of ever repaying!

But what does it matter? Its only a game....and if the Banks get too greedy and collapse, well we'll just Nationalise them. Just till they're back on they're feet of course.

What a fucking joke!

Teribus...I never thought I'd say this, but your posts on this thread prove what a phoney you are. You know very well that the Capitalist system does not prosper by providing what people "need".
Do people need an offensive or defensive Nuclear weapons system?
Do people need squadrons of attack aircraft?
Do we need a package holiday industry?
Do we need two or three cars to a family at the expense of a proper public transport system.

Just a few examples from millions...