I'll be there again this year at a somewhat smaller stage than the grand one I've had the privilege to play the last couple of years, Cafe Impromptu. I'll be at the Alki Court Stage at 2:15 on Saturday the 24th. I played this stage about three years ago on a windy damp Saturday afternoon.
I have some bad memories from that show. The wind gusted against the plastic tarp along the back of the stage. It, in turn, pushed against a piece of stage equipment that was being stored at the back of the stage. The equipment then fell onto one of my guitars that I had sitting on stands surrounding me on the small stage. My guitar fell over while I was in the middle of a song. I didn't notice that the equipment left a deep scar on the face of my vintage (1918ish) Knutsen Hawaiian guitar's lower bout until later, when I was packing up after the show. GRRRR! I know that nobody knows which way the wind blows but that's not the kind of memory that I'd like to repeat again. It's a very sweet sounding guitar but I think that I'll leave my Knutsen home this time.
I'm very pleased and excited to announce that this year I'll be hosting My 6th Annual How To Flex Razor Sharp Spring Steel Betwixt Your Knees, And Walk Away With All Your Appendages Still Intact Workshop (my, free, how to play music with a hand saw workshop). After several years of record attendance, my pleas for a larger space have finally been answered. This year the workshop has been moved to what I hope is a larger and more accommodating location, The Lopez Room. Look for me there on Saturday the 24th at 12 noon. (BYOS,B&B) Bring your own saws, bows and bandaids, if you've got 'em, but know that I will also be bringing extra saws, bows and bandaids for participants to use during the hands on portion of the workshop.
All attendees will learn the basics of this curious, true, folk art, a folk art 10,000 years in the making! That's right; you can learn to play beautiful music with a common hand saw! Finally, you too can annoy guests at folk parties. You can learn how to thrill, amaze and torture your friends and relatives with the eerie tones and subtle timbre of this hand tool! With your new found skill you'll be able to frighten neighborhood pets and wild life! There's no end to the fun you can have!!!
New this year, each attendee to this year's workshop will receive a valuable How-To instruction booklet that I've lovingly prepared, absolutely FREE. In it, I offer you all of my personal tips and strategies on how to make millions of dollars a year playing folk music with a hand tool. I reveal the secrets of this folk art in easy to understand language and photos, in this almost nearly fully (hardly) illustrated work. Yes, I've done all of the hard work, so, you won't have to. I've spent countless hours of mind numbing introspection to bring to you the benefits of my 15+ years as a pre-fessional sawplayer in this easy to read publication. I guarantee that if you're not fully satisfied, you will receive a full refund of the purchase price, (minus shipping and handling and a 15% restocking fee).
With my foolproof system anyone, yes, anyone, can learn, as I have, to produce a prodigious palate of pleasing panache in five minutes or less! Yes! I said five minutes or less! (Actual time may vary)
You too can proudly provide a vicarious vaudevillian daredevil bloodlust experience with each attempt to tame the unruly blade. In no time you'll gain the critically acclaimed capability to coolly coax complex collections of cutting edge, cornball curiosities and colorfully comical, crackpot compositions via the confidently controlled contortions of the cruelly capricious and cantankerously caterwauling crosscut in a cantabile cadence, or my name isn't Daredevil Reggie Miles! (Disclaimer: Many body parts don't grow back.)
Sawwwwwwwwwwwwww ya there!vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv