The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110914   Message #2338987
Posted By: akenaton
13-May-08 - 03:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK local elections: here comes poverty
Subject: RE: BS: UK local elections: here comes poverty
Ever stood at a supermarket checkout with your tenner in your hand waiting to pay for your purchases, while the twenty or so sheep in front of you wrestle with their debit or credit cards.

Do you ever ponder on how wonderful "progress" is as the chechout machine spits out each card, or the assistant queries the signature?

Do you ever wonder if this miracle of technology has been imposed on us because we really "need" it, or because the capitalists who run the supermarkets and banks can con more money out of us in useless services and in the process, "slim down their workforce and become more competitive"

Ever noticed how the service provided to customers by banks gets worse and worse while charges keep increasing.
They are only interested in robbing credit customers nowadays.

Well, I dont "need" their services, but due to the way this Capitalist society is run, I am forced to use them.

Just another example from millions...Ake