The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24814   Message #2339300
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Gardham
13-May-08 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: Help: Capital Ship's 'boxing glove'?!?!
Subject: RE: Help: Capital Ship's 'boxing glove'?!?!
I have in front of me the original c1860 sheet music for 'Ten Thousand Miles Away, popular song and chorus, written, composed and sung by J B Geoghegan' also sung by Harry Liston, pub. Hutchings and Romer of 9 Conduit Street, Regent St London. Geoghegan, who also wrote several other songs still sung in oral tradition and folk clubs, gave us Hey John Barleycorn. 'Walloping window Blind' must be a parody on this. On my copy someone has added a few bawdy lines from an oral version. It has 5 stanzas and the usual chorus. The boxing glove original line runs 'For I'm on the move to my own true love, Ten.......' As with most songs like this the parodies are much more fun.
An accessible copy is in the 'Scottish Students Songbook' also attributed to Geoghegan. If you want to know more try 'Yorkshire Garland' website and click on the notes for 'Glossop Road'.