The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3536   Message #23398
Posted By: Joe Offer
09-Mar-98 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: Song Circles and House Concerts
Subject: RE: Song Circles and House Concerts
Well, yes, Corinna - I saw that U.Utah Phillips and the Black Irish Band and others will be singing train songs at the California State Railroad Museum on Sunday, March 29. Hope I can talk my sweetie into going to that one. The California State Parks are making an effort to put on some events for the Sesquicentennial, but I don't know anything specific just yet.
By the way, Doc Watson is at the Crest Theater in Sacramento March 17.
Now, there's a serious pickers and singers organization in Davis, CA - but I haven't been invited to join. I think "serious" is operative word here...
-Joe Offer-