The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111249   Message #2340829
Posted By: olddude
14-May-08 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: Its the Hat
Subject: It's the Hat
For years I have never been able to figure out how the country music folks can be so darn good on the guitar. I mean, is it in the country air, the water, the beer ... what the heck. As John Sebastain said
"every one can pick a darn site better than I will" - Tonight I figured it out. It is the cowboy hat. I never had a cowboy hat. I do have a Crocodile Dundee hat with the gator teeth that I used to keep the bugs off my bald spot while fly fishing but that is the nearest thing I ever had to a cowboy hat. Therefore since the secret has been revealed to me
what brands make great guitar players?