The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110900   Message #2341171
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
15-May-08 - 09:53 AM
Thread Name: Chords in Folk?
Subject: RE: Chords in Folk?
Day follows night out the Gnostic thinking that DARKNESS is the passive / default principle of the universe. LIGHT is active; hard-won, needing constant vigilance. Without LIGHT there is DARKNESS, without DARKNESS these is NOTHING! The same applies to COLD, DEATH & EVIL; in respect to which WARMTH, LIFE & GOOD are active, hard-won, needing constant vigilance etc.

Anyway, it's far from farcical (if you'll forgive the alliteration) - and in any case practise is a verb & practice is a noun - see HERE.

Why? Because it just is, and gladly so, and you can't regulate these things anyway so why bother trying?

Noting your fondness for exclamation points, did you know this most reviled piece punctuation was originally shorthand for the Latin Io?