The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111180   Message #2341611
Posted By: Bert
15-May-08 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: Musician Rudeness
Subject: RE: Musician Rudeness
Here's the way that I have handled ill mannered 'background noise'.

I announce, "Here's a song that my Dad used to sing to us kids when we were very small"

(this song is sung very quietly except for the words quiet and riot which are shouted)

We must be ever so, ever so QUIET!
shhh! shhh! shhh!
don't make a noise it will lead to a RIOT!
shhh! shhh! shhh!
can't you hear the tick of the clock
dickory, dickory, dickory, dock
We must be ever so, ever so, ever so, ever so, ever so, ever so, QUIET!