The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110914   Message #2341641
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
15-May-08 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK local elections: here comes poverty
Subject: RE: BS: UK local elections: here comes poverty
Anyone who has watched a soccer match, and seen the antics of some of its followers, might suggest that we LIVE in a primitive society.

O.K. That's a flippant response, but to take up your point, for sure there have been systems that worked better than capitalism IN THEIR TIME, times when the concept of "Capital" did not exist.

None of those could cope with the logistics of a population such as we have now. They all relied on the fact of having an abundance of resources in relation to population which allowed everyone to help himself. That situation no longer pertains, even if you do away with the concept of ownership.

I've been accused of coming up with simplistic ideas, but I couldn't hold a candle to the idea of looking at Aboriginal society as a possible model for todays world.

Any further comment from me will, I imagine be met with the usual "you are looking at it from the capitalist's point of view", so I will confine myself to one last thought, and it's this. It only appears to you that I am looking at it from the capitalist point of view because YOU are looking at it from the labour (small l) point of view, and in fact I am labour, but I know that it is Capital that provides me with work. Perhaps it is YOU that needs to reconsider?

Don T.