The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21844   Message #234171
Posted By: Ritchie
26-May-00 - 07:42 AM
Thread Name: Andy Kershaw - No More?
Subject: RE: Andy Kershaw - No More?
I very rarely listen to radio 1, I'm more of a radio 2 man myself, but I fear that soon radio 2 will turn into radio 1 playing hit's and having a commercially correct !! playlist.

I heard that Andy Kershaw's contract would indeed not be renewed but that he would be invited to submit various projects for consideration.

'When will they ever learn ?'

Over the years I loved and hated, in equal measures, Mssrs :Wogan,Peel,Campbell,Everett,Edmunds,Travis,Harris,Walker,Gamboncini and Bunty al..perhaps it's me that's changing. But I've never ever liked & hope I never will that prat Mo Dutta...

Regards Ritchie