The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95096   Message #2342308
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-May-08 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs in the news
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs in the news
They are not always reported as humanoid, guys, nor are they all reported as spindly with big heads and large eyes. You're simply repeating images you've seen commonly in the popular press when you say that...and these styles come and go in waves of popularity. A good many aliens have been reported seen that look very similar to us, with our proportions, our facial features, hair on their heads, much so that were they dressed properly they could probably pass among us quite unnoticed. And there are others a bit different in one way or another, but not of the spindly head, large eye variety...and I know exactly what you mean by that.

The type you are referring to, Bill, are one specific lot known as "the Greys", and they have been getting a lot of attention and popularity in the last couple of decades in books, magazines and media reports. They have become the official pictorial representation of an "alien", just like the official caveman figure with his one-shoulder animal skin and fat wooden club that we see all the time in cartoons (a rather silly looking apparition, I must say, probably not much like a real caveman at all). Why the Greys are so popular now, I can't say. Maybe Whitley Strieber is to blame for that or maybe it's the National Enquirer or Hollywood that has done it. ;-)

When speculating as to how they could possibly travel so far and so fast...just imagine some natives in Borneo speculating on how we could possibly fly over them at 35,000 feet in an airliner that's going several hundred miles an hour...! ;-)

If you can't do it yourself and you haven't heard of anyone who can, it probably seems totally unbelievable to you...because you have no knowledge of how it could possibly be done. Ignorance is the perfect cushion to provide anyone with certainty of what is and is not possible.

When I say "ignorance" in that context I don't mean anything insulting by the word...I simply mean "not having any knowlege or experience about a certain matter".

We are all ignorant of a great many things.